
Tekkoshocon 2004 on DCM: May 7th, 2004

Friday Saturday Sunday Cosplay Video Special Edition
News & Updates
Date Additions, News, Information, ect.

05-07-04 The halftime show "Otaku Duet" is now online.
04-29-04 The cosplay is online. Half time show coming soon...
03-29-04 DeathCom's photos from Friday, Saturday, Sunday & the Special Edition Galleries are online (303 total)
Photo use policy: DeathCom Multimedia authorizes you to use these photos on your own site under the following condition: the logo MUST remain in tact on the image. If you wish to use an image for a CG work, that is acceptable but try and remember to give us a simple plug for the photo ;) Also, we do appreciate a little note if you intend to use our photos so that we may come and check your site out.


Tekkoshocon 2 marks the conventions move into a full fledge three day event. Though the drive to Cranberry PA isnt -quite- Pittsburgh anymore, the new hotel was well worth it. This hotel has a much nicer lobby (complete with a sweet fountain that will be seen in many of the photo backgrounds in our coverage), and much more open to cosplay than last years was. Though this year's hotel choice is larger than the one used last year, Tekkoshocon's growth had this hotel utilized to its maximum capacity. In order to fill the demand for viewers to see the cosplay, a large screen was setup in the hotel lobby to appease the crowds. If you still missed the cosplay, you can catch the event ( right here on DCM).

Previous Tekkoshocon Coverage

Tekkoshocon 2003 on DeathCom Multimedia

Tekkoshocon 2003

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Copyright 2004, DeathCom Web Productions.